Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Data warehouse

one example which could make this term clear, suppose a engineering student collects notes from
various sources like libaray books ,class notes, friends notes etc
and then make a perfect copy of it from which he could get the whole concept,
which will help him making the understanding of concept .

here the integration of all the notes from various sources can be thought of as data warehouse


The storage area for processed and integrated data across different sources
which can be operational data or external data
A data ware house allows its users to extract required data,for business analysis
and strategic decision making

conceptualy:A data warehouse is a home for 'second hand' data that originates
in either other corporate applications,or some data source externa;
to your comany

Formaly:A data ware house is a stand alone repositoy of information,integrated from several,
possibaly heterogeneous operational databases.

definition by Ralph Kimball :
A warehouse is a copy of transaction data specifically
structured for query and analyisis.
Chatrasal's def
dataware house is data collected from different source databases,data marts, reports,etc.
which are summarized and maintained in multidimensional form .

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